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India - Second National Ganga River Basin Project : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Kankarbagh Sewerage Network Project (Inglês)

The objective of the Second National Ganga River Basin Project is to reduce point-source pollution from targeted Urban Areas of the Ganga River basin and support the Central Ministry to strengthen the institutional framework for Ganga River basin management. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: migrant labors would be provided training on local culture and traditions through daily toolbox talk; local Community to be made aware...
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  • 2023/01/31

  • Avaliação Ambiental

  • SFG7410

  • 1

  • Índia,

  • Sul da Ásia,

  • 2023/01/31

  • Disclosed

  • India - Second National Ganga River Basin Project : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Kankarbagh Sewerage Network Project



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