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Ocena Skutköw Oddzialywania Inicjatywy Invest in Pomerania 2011-2020 : Polska - Ocena 1 Strategia BIZ dla Pomorza (Polonês)

In 2011, the Pomerania region of Poland set up Invest in Pomerania (IiP) as its regional investment promotion agency. Several local institutions together launched IiP to ensure regional coordination of FDI attraction and investment promotion opportunities. The goal was to create a single entity that would effectively attract and facilitate FDI in the region and that would also act as an interface between investors, local authorities, and other stakeholders...
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Document also available in : Inglês


  • 2023/01/03

  • Report

  • AUS0002855

  • 1

  • Polônia,

  • Europa e Ásia Central,

  • 2023/01/03

  • Disclosed

  • Ocena Skutköw Oddzialywania Inicjatywy Invest in Pomerania 2011-2020 : Polska - Ocena 1 Strategia BIZ dla Pomorza



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