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Combining Remote Sensing and Cell Phone Users’ Mobility Data to Monitor the Impact of Transportation on NO2 Concentrations in India (Inglês)

Estimating the extent to which transportation contributes to air pollution levels has been hampered by the difficulty in separating the relative degree of ambient nitrogen dioxide generated by transportation, power generation, and industrial activity—all of which play roles. This paper addresses this gap by isolating the impact of ground-level mobility on air pollution in India through a combination of remotely sensed tropospheric nitrogen...
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  • 2022/12/07

  • Documento de trabalho sobre pesquisa de políticas

  • WPS10254

  • 1

  • Mundo,

  • Other,

  • 2022/12/07

  • Disclosed

  • Combining Remote Sensing and Cell Phone Users’ Mobility Data to Monitor the Impact of Transportation on NO2 Concentrations in India



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