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Uzbekistan - Jizzakh Solar PV Project : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (Inglês)

The development objective of Jizzakh Solar PV Project for Uzbekistan is to provide income generating opportunities and jobs for the local population. Some of the negative impacts include: (i) Loss of vegetation cover and biodiversity; (ii) Conflict between construction workers and fauna; (ii) Disturbance, alteration & destruction of faunal and avifaunal habitats; (iii) Wastewater; (iv) Sewage Effluent; (v) Non-hazardous solid wastes; (vi) Hazardous...
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Document also available in : Inglês


  • 2023/05/09

  • Environmental and Social Assessment

  • 181994

  • 1

  • Uzbequistão,

  • Europa e Ásia Central,

  • 2023/05/09

  • Disclosed

  • Uzbekistan - Jizzakh Solar PV Project : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment



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