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Uruguay - Country Partnership Framework for the Period FY23-FY27 (Inglês)

This country partnership framework (CPF) sets the strategic direction for the World Bank Group’s (WBG) program for Uruguay during FY2023-2027. The preparation of the CPF was delayed by Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), given that the government of Uruguay shifted its attention to managing the pandemic. The CPF seeks to realign the WBG’s engagement with Uruguay’s five-year presidential election cycle. This cycle begins at the midterm of the current...
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  • 2022/11/04

  • Country Partnership Framework

  • 177742

  • 1

  • Uruguai,

  • América Latina e Caribe,

  • 2022/12/06

  • Disclosed

  • 2022-12-06T00:00:00Z

  • Uruguay - Country Partnership Framework for the Period FY23-FY27



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