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Таджикистан - Техническая Помощь в Целях Разработки Структуры Финансирования Проекта Строительства Рогунской Гэс (Russo)

The development objectives of the Technical Assistance for Financing Framework for Rogun Hydropower Project for Tajikistan are to strengthen Rogun Hydropower Plant (HPP) Project’s financial and commercial frameworks, enhance its environmental and social sustainability, improve the transparency, and support establishment of Rogun HPP Project’s benefit sharing program. The project comprises of four components. The first component is development of a...
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Document also available in : Inglês


  • 2022/12/12

  • Documento de avaliação do projeto:

  • PAD5083

  • 1

  • Tajiquistão,

  • Europa e Ásia Central,

  • 2023/01/12

  • Disclosed

  • Таджикистан - Техническая Помощь в Целях Разработки Структуры Финансирования Проекта Строительства Рогунской Гэс



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