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Cambodia - Second-Generation Systematic Country Diagnostic Update : Khmer Summary (Khmer)

Since Cambodia’s first Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD1), the country’s economy has continued to grow strongly, reduce poverty and boost shared prosperity. Growth continued to be driven largely by factor accumulation, with limited contributions from productivity, which is not sustainable over the long term. This SCD update (SCD2) finds that most pathways identified in SCD1 made moderate progress in the past five years, except for building human...
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  • 2024/01/23

  • Systematic Country Diagnostic

  • 187168

  • 1

  • Camboja,

  • Leste Asiático e Pacífico,

  • 2024/02/21

  • Disclosed

  • Cambodia - Second-Generation Systematic Country Diagnostic Update : Khmer Summary



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