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Internet Access in LAC: Comparing SEDLAC-03 and WDI Definitions (Inglês)

The Socioeconomic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean (SEDLAC) is a database of harmonized socio-economic statistics constructed from Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) household surveys. The SEDLAC database and project was jointly developed and is jointly maintained by CEDLAS (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) and The World Bank’s LAC Team for Statistical Development (LAC TSD) in the Poverty and Equity Global Practice. SEDLAC includes information...
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  • 2021/08/05

  • Boletim

  • 166731

  • 1

  • América Latina,

  • 2021/12/08

  • Disclosed

  • Internet Access in LAC: Comparing SEDLAC-03 and WDI Definitions



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