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Poland and the knowledge economy - enhancing Poland's competitiveness in the European Union : Polska a gospodarka oparta na wiedzy - W kierunku zwiekszania konkurencyjnosci Polski w Unii Europejskiej (Polonês)

The Poland Knowledge Economy Assessment (KEA) aims to provide policy options for securing sustainable growth, and improving competitiveness, by creating an environment conducive to business development, and investment in general, as well as to knowledge generation and absorption via innovation, and learning, in particular, as well as by stimulating investment in innovation, and in learning systems. This KEA argues that efficient, and relevant lifelong...
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Document also available in : Inglês


  • 2004/09/01

  • Publicação

  • 30079

  • 1

  • 1

  • Polônia,

  • Europa e Ásia Central,

  • 2010/07/01

  • Polska a gospodarka oparta na wiedzy - W kierunku zwiekszania konkurencyjnosci Polski w Unii Europejskiej

  • Business Investment



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