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Jordan prepares for a global knowledge economy : Preparer la transition de la Jordanie vers une economie mondiale du savoir grace a une base solide de capital humain (Francês)

Jordan has initiated comprehensive education reforms to capitalize on its strong record of education completion and adult literacy. Its reforms have strengthened education policy objectives and strategies, transformed education programs and practices, improved school buildings and learning environments, and enhanced equity in the poorer areas of the country.
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  • 2010/04/13

  • Informativo

  • 91696

  • 1

  • 1

  • Jordânia,

  • Oriente Médio e Norte da África,

  • 2015/01/08

  • Disclosed

  • Preparer la transition de la Jordanie vers une economie mondiale du savoir grace a une base solide de capital humain

  • Teachers



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