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Romania - Climate change and low carbon green growth program : component B sector report - energy sector rapid assessment : Romania - Programul privind schimbarile climatice si o crestere economica verde, cu emisii reduse de carbon : componenta B raport sectorial - evaluarea rapida a sectorului energetic (Romeno)

The energy sector rapid assessment was conducted by the World Bank for the Government of Romania, as part of an advisory services program on climate change and low carbon green growth. The objective of this assessment is to identify climate change related investment priorities and necessary implementation support for the 2014-2020 operational programs, with a view to achieving the European Union (EU) 2020 targets and laying a foundation for continued...
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Document also available in : Inglês


  • 2013/01/01

  • Documento de Trabalho

  • 84263

  • 1

  • 1

  • Romênia,

  • Europa e Ásia Central,

  • 2014/03/14

  • Disclosed

  • Romania - Programul privind schimbarile climatice si o crestere economica verde, cu emisii reduse de carbon : componenta B raport sectorial - evaluarea rapida a sectorului energetic

  • Access to financing



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