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Institutional and Structural Reforms for a Stronger and More Inclusive Recovery (Mongoliano)

The new government is taking office at the time when Mongolia and the world is faced with an unprecedented public health and economic crisis. The government is confronted with the difficult task of stabilizing the economy while laying the foundation for a sustainable recovery. In the short run, carefully calibrated macroeconomic policies are needed to ensure stability and mitigate acute risks of an external balance of payment crisis while reducing...
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Document also available in : Inglês


  • 2020/06/01

  • Report

  • 151241

  • 1

  • 1

  • Mongólia,

  • Leste Asiático e Pacífico,

  • 2020/08/19

  • Disclosed

  • Institutional and Structural Reforms for a Stronger and More Inclusive Recovery



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