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Afghanistan resource corridor development : power sector analysis (Vol. 2 of 2) : Executive summary (Dari)

This report examines the power sector implications of the Resource Corridor Development (RCD) proposal. The mining developments that form the core of the RCD are not just potential consumers of power, but also a potential source of power for Afghanistan, since the large generation projects necessary to serve the extraction and processing of ores can readily be sized to meet more than just the mining project demand. Significant deposits of coal and...
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Document also available in : Inglês, Pashto, Inglês


  • 2012/07/11

  • Documento de Trabalho

  • 79699

  • 2

  • 2 (Ver todos os volumes)

  • Afeganistão,

  • Sul da Ásia,

  • 2013/09/04

  • Disclosed

  • Executive summary

  • alternative routes



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