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Turkey - Sustainable Cities Project : Arazi edinimi ve yeniden yerleşim politika çerçevesi (English|Turkish)

The development objective of the Sustainable Cities Project for Turkey is to improve service delivery and the financial, environmental, and social sustainability of participating municipalities through targeted investments and through technical assistance. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: (1) if the remaining parcel of land after expropriation of a part of it is not economically viable, it will be acquired and compensated...
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Document also available in : Inglês


  • 2016/03/24

  • Plano de reassentamento

  • SFG2002

  • 1

  • 1

  • Turkiye,

  • Europa e Ásia Central,

  • 2016/03/28

  • Disclosed

  • Arazi edinimi ve yeniden yerleşim politika çerçevesi



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