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Tajikistan - Strengthening Critical Infrastructure Against Natural Hazards Project : Environmental Assessment : Оценка Экологических и Социальных Последствий для Создания Национального Центра Управления Кризисными Ситуациями в Городе Душанбе (Russo)

The development objectives of the Strengthening Critical Infrastructure Against Natural Hazards Project for Tajikistan are to strengthen the recipient’s disaster risk management capacities, enhance the resilience of its critical infrastructure against natural hazards, and improve its capacity to respond to disasters. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: (1) dust from work or transportation of aggregates, and cement should...
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Document also available in : Inglês


  • 2020/09/01

  • Avaliação Ambiental

  • SFG6425

  • 1

  • 1

  • Tajiquistão,

  • Europa e Ásia Central,

  • 2020/09/18

  • Disclosed

  • Оценка Экологических и Социальных Последствий для Создания Национального Центра Управления Кризисными Ситуациями в Городе Душанбе



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