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  • The legal and regulatory framework for microfinance in Iraq (Inglês)

    A well-functioning and inclusive financial sector is critical for efficient resource allocation leading to increased productivity, greater investment, higher overall levels of economic growth, and lower...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho No. do relatório: 102555 Data do documento: 1 de julho de 2015 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Abdel Aziz,Teymour,Abbassi,Alaa J S,Chehade,Nadine Gabriel,Lauer, Kate,Mcconaghy,Peter

  • The legal and regulatory framework for microfinance in Iraq (Árabe)

    A well-functioning and inclusive financial sector is critical for efficient resource allocation leading to increased productivity, greater investment, higher overall levels of economic growth, and lower...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho No. do relatório: 102555 Data do documento: 1 de julho de 2015 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Abdel Aziz,Teymour,Abbassi,Alaa J S,Chehade,Nadine Gabriel,Lauer, Kate

  • IFC mobile money scoping country report : Lebanon (Inglês)

    Lebanon has a sophisticated banking industry which serves 60 of the population (2.48 million people, through 900 branches). The longest trip for any person in Lebanon to reach a bank branch is approximately...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho No. do relatório: 95012 Data do documento: 1 de maio de 2012 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Abbassi,Alaa J S,M. El Sayed,Cherine M. Samir,Lake,Andrew James