This report summarizes the findings of the study on Competitive Commercial Agriculture for Africa (CCAA). The objective of the CCAA study was to explore the feasibility of restoring international competitiveness...
This report summarizes the findings of the study on Competitive Commercial Agriculture for Africa (CCAA). The objective of the CCAA study was to explore the feasibility of restoring international competitiveness...
From 1993-2005 the Rural Poverty Reduction Program (PCPR) has funded more than 50,000 community subprojects in almost 38,000 poor rural communities in the Northeast region of Brazil4. It has used the approach...
From 1993-2005 the Rural Poverty Reduction Program (PCPR) has funded more than 50,000 community subprojects in almost 38,000 poor rural communities in the Northeast region of Brazil4. It has used the approach...
The study is a joint product of the department of land affairs of South Africa and the World Bank. It analyzes an innovative land reform project in South Africa. The project was the result of collective...
Land reform can broadly be divided into land tenure reform-the establishment of secure and formalized property rights in land-and land redistribution-the transfer of land from large to small farmers. The...
The World Bank has, over the past two years, revisited its rural development strategy and in turn developed a new one, through a renewed commitment to sound development in the rural sector, and seeks to...
The World Bank has, over the past two years, revisited its rural development strategy and in turn developed a new one, through a renewed commitment to sound development in the rural sector, and seeks to...
Road funds, user charges, and taxes, by Ken Gwilliam and Zmarak Shalizi. Between the state and the market: can informal insurance patch the safety net? By Jonathan Morduch. Using household surveys to build...
This article examines the evolution of policy recommendations concerning rural land issues since the formulation of the World Bank's 'land reform policy paper' in 1975. That paper set out three guiding...
The World Bank has, over the past two years, revisited its rural development strategy and in turn developed a new one, through a renewed commitment to sound development in the rural sector, and seeks to...
This report is the result of discussions within the Bank as well as dialogues with Nongovernmental Organizations and other international agencies concerned with poverty and hunger. The report summarizes...
Do the economic gains brought by technological innovation and commercialization in agriculture work their way through to the poor? The prevailing optimistic view is that they do. But this view is not universal:...
This paper shows that general tax policies, special tax incentives, the rules of land allocation, and the agricultural credit system all accelerate deforestation in the Amazon. These policies increase...
In assessing the response of agricultural production to government policies, it is necessary to look not just at output prices but at all the factors that affect real farm profits; to disentangle the effects...
Land reform gives poor people ownership rights or permanent cultivation rights to specific parcels of land. It makes sense when it increases their income, consumption or wealth. And it fails if their consumption...
Government wage policy in Africa: some findings and policy issues. Export-promoting trade strategy: issues and evidence. the state and the invisible hand. Technological priorities for farming in Sub-Saharan...
The slow pace of agricultural mechanization in Africa has long been a puzzle. This book begins to solve the puzzle by looking at the conditions in sub-Saharan Africa that have led to only sporadic use...
The article examines the suitability of different agricultural research strategies in African countries with varying endowments of land, labor, and climate. Differences in such endowments lead to a wide...
The slow pace of agricultural mechanization in Africa has long been a puzzle. This book begins to solve the puzzle by looking at the conditions in sub-Saharan Africa that have led to only sporadic use...