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  • Fiscal management (Chinês)

    In Western democracies, systems of checks and balances built into government structures have formed the core of good governance, and have helped empower citizens for more than two hundred years. Many developing...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 34377 Data do documento: 1 de maio de 2013 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Andrews,Matthew,Bird,Richard M.,Brixi,Hana,Kharas,Homi,Mishra,Deepak K.,Purohit,Mahesh C.,Schacter,Mark J.,Shah, Anwar [editor],Von Hagen,Jurgen

  • Taxation and decentralization (Inglês)

    Strengthening sub-national governments is high on the policy agenda of many developing countries. From an economics perspective, the most important potential benefit from decentralization is the increased...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 57657 Data do documento: 1 de novembro de 2010 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Bird,Richard M.

  • Smart tax administration (Inglês)

    The 'smartest' development policy needs to be underpinned by 'smart' tax policy. However, the best tax policy in the world is worth little if it cannot be implemented effectively. What can be done, to...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 57398 Data do documento: 1 de outubro de 2010 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Bird,Richard M.

  • Subnational taxation in developing countries : a review of the literature (Inglês)

    This paper reviews the literature on tax assignment in decentralized countries. Ideally, own-source revenues should be sufficient to enable at least the richest subnational governments to finance from...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de trabalho sobre pesquisa de políticas No. do relatório: WPS5450 Data do documento: 1 de outubro de 2010 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Bird,Richard M.

  • Taxation and development (Inglês)

    For more than half a century, scholars and international agencies have been making recommendations about taxation in developing countries. The advice economists have offered to developing countries has...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: No. do relatório: 56944 Data do documento: 1 de outubro de 2010 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Bird,Richard M.

  • Taxing business : Taxing business (Inglês)

    Economists are sometimes accused of agreeing on almost nothing. An important policy question on which many economists appear to agree, however, is that there is not much to be said in favor of taxing business...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 51628 Data do documento: 1 de junho de 2009 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Bird,Richard M.

  • The personal income tax (Inglês)

    A recent paper argues persuasively that the two basic pillars of taxation in most countries are the income tax and the VAT (Barreix and Roca 2007). The authors argue that the VAT is excellent as a revenue...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 51627 Data do documento: 1 de junho de 2009 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Bird,Richard M.

  • Taxing consumption (Inglês)

    Domestic consumption in most countries is taxed through general sales taxes, excise taxes on specific commodities, and a variety of miscellaneous taxes on such services as hotels and transfers of property...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 51626 Data do documento: 1 de junho de 2009 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Bird,Richard M.

  • The personal income tax (Inglês)

    A recent paper argues persuasively that the two basic pillars of taxation in most countries are the income tax and the value added tax (VAT) (Barreix and Roca 2007). The authors argue that the VAT is excellent...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 44259 Data do documento: 26 de abril de 2008 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Bird,Richard M.

  • Taxing business (Inglês)

    Numerous distortions and costs are created as a result of corporate taxes. Choices with respect to organizational form (the incorporation decision), financial structure (debt-equity ratio), and dividend...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 44260 Data do documento: 26 de abril de 2008 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Bird,Richard M.

  • Taxing consumption (Inglês)

    Domestic consumption in most countries is taxed through general sales taxes, excise taxes on specific commodities, and a variety of miscellaneous taxes on such services as hotel and transfers of property...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 44502 Data do documento: 26 de abril de 2008 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Bird,Richard M.

  • The marginal cost of funds and cost benefit analysis (Inglês)

    Common sense suggests that there should be a strong and logical connection between the two sides of the budget. If an average citizen in any country is asked what he or she thinks about the desirability...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 44505 Data do documento: 26 de abril de 2008 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Bird,Richard M.

  • Fiscal management (Inglês)

    In Western democracies, systems of checks and balances built into government structures have formed the core of good governance, and have helped empower citizens for more than two hundred years. Many developing...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 34377 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2005 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Andrews,Matthew,Bird,Richard M.,Brixi,Hana,Kharas,Homi,Mishra,Deepak K.,Purohit,Mahesh C.,Schacter,Mark J.,Shah, Anwar [editor],Von Hagen,Jurgen

  • Fiscal management : Gestion fiscal (Espanhol)

    In Western democracies, systems of checks and balances built into government structures have formed the core of good governance, and have helped empower citizens for more than two hundred years. Many developing...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 34377 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2005 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Andrews,Matthew,Bird,Richard M.,Brixi,Hana,Kharas,Homi,Mishra,Deepak K.,Purohit,Mahesh C.,Schacter,Mark J.,Shah, Anwar [editor],Von Hagen,Jurgen

  • Vietham: toward fiscal transparency (Inglês)

    This report identifies feasible near and medium-term measures that could be introduced to improve fiscal transparency. It will be difficult to achieve all of the requirements of the minimum standard of...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho No. do relatório: 33633 Data do documento: 1 de junho de 1999 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Allan,William A.,Bird,Richard M.,Matin,Kazi Mahbub-Al,Petrie,Murray,Sarraf,Feridoun,Nguyen,Minh Van,XAVIER,JOHN ANTONY

  • Rethinking decentralization in developing countries (Inglês)

    This paper draws on the growing experience with decentralization in developing countries, to explore how a wide range of variables can affect decentralization efforts, and, how policies, and incentives...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 21491 Data do documento: 30 de setembro de 1998 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Litvack,Jennie I.,Ahmad,Junaid Kamal,Bird,Richard M.

  • Intergovernmental fiscal relations and poverty alleviation in Viet Nam (Inglês)

    A successful poverty alleviation strategy has four distinct elements: 1) identifying who the poor are, where they are located, and what they do; 2) analyzing why they are poor; 3) developing policies to...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de trabalho sobre pesquisa de políticas No. do relatório: WPS1430 Data do documento: 31 de março de 1995 Tipo de divulgação: Autor: Bird,Richard M.,Litvack,Jennie I.,Rao, M. Govinda

  • Transition 6 (3) (Inglês)

    Post-communist parties and the politics of entitlements (Jeffrey Sachs). Privatizing profits of Bulgaria's state enterprises (Zeljko Bogetic and Arye L. Hillman). Oxford Analytica reports on red conglomerates...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Boletim No. do relatório: 17828 Data do documento: 31 de março de 1995 Tipo de divulgação: Autor: Bird,Richard M.,Bogetic,Zeljko,Ebel,Robert D.,Fazso, Ferenc L.,Hillman,Arye L.,Perez-Lopez, Jorge,SACHS, JEFFREY D.,Wallich,Christine I.

  • Decentralizing infrastructure : for good or ill? (Inglês)

    The author examines the many faces of infrastructure decentralization: the costs and benefits, the government structure (constraint or variable?), the "polycentric" approach, and how to make decentralization...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de trabalho sobre pesquisa de políticas No. do relatório: WPS1258 Data do documento: 28 de fevereiro de 1994 Tipo de divulgação: Autor: Bird,Richard M.