Papua New Guinea's (PNGs) economy has slowed from the very strong growth rates of recent years, as construction of the PNG liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility nears completion and export prices weaken...
In 2012 PNG's economy enjoyed what it is likely to be the last year of strong growth for most sectors of PNG's economy in this economic cycle. Construction of PNG-LNG and various spin-off investments...
Papua New Guinea (PNG's) strong economic expansion continued into early 2012, but the forces propelling this growth are likely to have peaked. The moderation in growth and expanded supply capacity will...
This overview of the Indonesian Economic Quarterly covers Indonesia's experience with its economic deceleration which occurred relatively recently. It asserts that the downturn of the economy was more...
Indonesia's oil revenues and fuel subsidies dominate the nation's economic policy agenda. This paper estimates the impact of higher international oil prices on the Indonesian government's fiscal position...
Despite a slowing global economy, Indonesia's economic growth accelerated to a ten-year high of 6.3 percent in 2007. This growth rate was sufficient to reduce poverty from 17.8 to 16.6 percent based on...
Despite a slowing global economy, Indonesia's economic growth accelerated to a ten-year high of 6.3 percent in 2007. This growth rate was sufficient to reduce poverty from 17.8 to 16.6 percent based on...