This report outlines the main results of the study based on the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) conducted in the Naryn River Basin, the Kyrgyz Republic. This assessment identifies...
The Kyrgyz Republic is a landlocked, largely mountainous country with rich natural resources that include a variety of landscapes and ecosystems - mountains and glaciers, alpine pastures, lakes and rivers...
The Kyrgyz Republic is a landlocked, largely mountainous country with rich natural resources that include a variety of landscapes and ecosystems - mountains and glaciers, alpine pastures, lakes and rivers...
The economy of the Kyrgyz Republic is heavily dependent on the country’s natural resources. However, there has been until now a broad lack of awareness of the true value of these resources and how to sustainably...
The economy of the Kyrgyz Republic is heavily dependent on the country’s natural resources. However, there has been until now a broad lack of awareness of the true value of these resources and how to sustainably...
The continuous pressures to the environment are affecting Guatemala's natural capital base. Guatemala is one of the most ecologically diverse countries on the planet, with fourteen different eco-regions...
El uso y la aplicación de un enfoque que incluya la contabilidad del capital natural en las políticas públicas y las decisiones privadas se han extendido en todo el mundo en los últimos años, particularmente...
For many countries, forests play a key role by providing incomes and livelihoods while contributing to climate change mitigation and other important ecosystem services. Taking forests into account in development...
The passivity of the demand for pension products is one of the striking features of mandatory pension systems. Consequently, the provision of multiple investment alternatives to households (multifund schemes)...