This paper revisits the topic and updates the analysis applying the same methodology to data from 2017. The fiscal reforms that took place during the period covered in the analysis (2012-2017) make this...
This paper analyzes the simultaneous impacts and interplay of exports and technology adoption on the demand for different types of skills and aggregate labor market indicators in Indonesia over a period...
The Malaysian story involves a farsighted leadership that has mobilized the considerable assets of a resource-rich country to translate a long-term vision of nation building into action and transformational...
In 2018, Indonesia’s coordinated and prudent macroeconomic policy framework underpinned steadyeconomic growth, amid global volatility and several natural disasters. Real GDP growth strengthened to 5.2...
Real GDP grew 5.3 percent in the second quarter of 2018 from the previous year, as domestic demand strengthened. Private and government consumption accelerated thanks to higher subsidy and personnelspending...
Real GDP growth picked up to 5.2 percent yoy in Q4 from 5.1 percent in Q3, driven by higher domestic demand, in particular stronger investment. Private consumption growth also strengthened marginally...