This study discusses the impact of economic geography and (low) population density on development outcomes in Mali and explores how policies to reduce poverty can be made more effective by taking these...
Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho
No. do relatório: 88880
Data do documento: 23 de abril de 2015
Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed
Autor: Doumbia-Gakou, Assa,Traore, M. Vinima,Kdiawara, Abdoul,Siaka,Hoogeveen,Johannes G.,Batana,Yele Maweki,Blankespoor,Brian,Dessus,Sebastien C.,Diop,Cheikh Hamala Blondin,Fernandes,Judite,Lendorfer,Julia,Liu,Yishen,Panier,Kristin,Pellerin,Mathieu Francois Joseph,Selod,Harris,Raballand,Gael J. R. F.,Traore,Souleymane - AFCW3