Cambodia emerged in the early 1990s from 30 years of conflict, the brutal Khmer Rouge era, and a decade of Vietnamese occupation, with one of the world’s lowest per-capita incomes, and with social indicators...
This issue includes the following: trade liberalization and growth: new evidence, by Romain Wacziarg and Karen Horn Welch; comprehensive wealth and future consumption: accounting for population growth...
This report is a synthesis of three evaluations carried out by the Independent Evaluation Group and completed between July 2005 and February 2006, on different aspects of Bank assistance to financial sector...
Using a new database of World Bank loans to support financial sector development, the authors investigate whether countries that received such loans experienced more rapid growth on standard indicators...
The World Bank is engaged in 38 post-conflict countries and areas. A fifth of Bank commitments were devoted to those countries in FY2004. The Bank created a new post-conflict unit in 1998 and instituted...
The 2002 annual report on operations evaluation focuses on both risk management and monitoring and evaluation, which are closely related. Risk management involves identifying, assessing, mitigating, and...
Yemen faces enormous challenges. Assistance to the country can be improved, however, if the International Development Association (IDA) establishes priorities in its future assistance strategy that are...
Yemen faces enormous challenges. Assistance to the country can be improved, however, if the International Development Association (IDA) establishes priorities in its future assistance strategy that are...
Yemen faces enormous challenges. Assistance to the country can be improved, however, if the International Development Association (IDA) establishes priorities in its future assistance strategy that are...
Yemen faces enormous challenges. Assistance to the country can be improved, however, if the International Development Association (IDA) establishes priorities in its future assistance strategy that are...