Between 2001 and 2019, Bhutan made significant economic progress with an average annual growth rate of 7 percent. This progress was accompanied by significant improvements in monetary and nonmonetary standards...
The Sudanese economy has faced several shocks over the years—sometimes resulting in devastating impacts on the economy and the welfare of Sudanese households. Poor households are often particularly vulnerable...
This study seeks to support the efforts of Sudan in the targeting of the Sudan Emergency Safety Nets Project (SESNP) and any other future safety net programs in Sudan to those most in need. Sudan has faced...
The provision and access to quality employment opportunities, especially for women and youth, is instrumental in achieving inclusive growth and more effective development outcomes. However, women and youth...
This paper examines how gender equality has evolved in Sudan during the last decade. The analysis comprises various dimensions including the accumulation of endowment in all its forms (human capital and...
Stunting, measured using a height-for-age Z score [HAZ] and an indicator of chronic malnutrition, among 0–5-year-old Sudanese children has been on the rise—from 34 percent in 2010 to 38 percent in 2014...
While agriculture remains the mainstay for a large share of the population in Sudan, and rural poverty has seen a dramatic decrease (between 2009 and 2014/15), poverty remains relatively high among those...
Interviewer design effects occur when data collected by the same interviewer is more similar than data collected by different interviewers. Design effects inflate survey variance and reduce the precision...
Using panel data, this paper analyzes the impact of high inflation on household livelihoods in urban South Sudan. Based on a difference-in-difference approach, inflation is found to have a strong negative...
This brief focuses on the household survey component of the HFS (results of the firm survey will be reported in a separate report). The sampling methodology adopted for the implementation of the household...
Ratings of Improving Household Surveys and Administrative Data in Sudan: Statistical Capacity Building Project were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring...
The report is organized as follows. After a brief description of the analytical framing and methodology in section two, section three presents the history and demographics of the labor market in Sudan...
The report is organized as follows. After a brief description of the analytical framing and methodology in section two, section three presents the history and demographics of the labor market in Sudan...
Sudan, like the rest of the world, has been experiencing the unprecedented social and economic impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The rapid spread of COVID-19 in Sudan and the government’s...
Agriculture remains the mainstay of most of Sudan’s poor though agricultural productivity is low. Hence, increases in agricultural productivity are expected to reduce poverty. Little is known about household-level...
The objective of this note is to assess the extent to which the CT program is benefiting intended poor households and the appropriateness of the benefit level under the current inflation situation for...