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  • Cluj County Spatial Plan : Substantiation Study on Social Impact Assessment (Romeno)

    The welfare and the living standard strongly depend on the material and financial resources accessible to the working population. During the last three decades, while the size of the population of Cluj...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 161151 Data do documento: 13 de maio de 2021 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Benedek,Jozsef,Moldovan,Ciprian,Cristea,Marius,Varvari,Stefana Alexandra Diana,Ionescu-Heroiu,Marcel,Petrovici,Norbert Immanuel,Foldes,Ionut,Faje,Florin Mihai,Man,Titus-Cristian,Dolean,Bogdan Eugen,Harangu?,Iulia

  • Cluj County Spatial Plan : Substantiation Study on Social Impact Assessment (Inglês)

    The welfare and the living standard strongly depend on the material and financial resources accessible to the working population. During the last three decades, while the size of the population of Cluj...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 161151 Data do documento: 1 de março de 2020 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Benedek,Jozsef,Moldovan,Ciprian,Cristea,Marius,Varvari,Stefana Alexandra Diana,Ionescu-Heroiu,Marcel,Petrovici,Norbert Immanuel,Foldes,Ionut,Faje,Florin Mihai,Man,Titus-Cristian,Dolean,Bogdan Eugen,Harangu?,Iulia