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  • Nepal - Country program evaluation, 2003-2008 (Inglês)

    This report evaluates International Development Association (IDA) support to Nepal during 2003-2008. IDA’s overarching goal during this period was to support the Government’s efforts to reduce poverty...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 100007 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2011 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Leroy-Themeze,Claude M.L.,Abadzi,Helen,Gopal,Gita,Johda, Narpat,Johnson,Richard John Roberts

  • The World Bank Group in the West Bank and Gaza, 2001-2009 : evaluation of the World Bank Group program (Inglês)

    This evaluation assesses the outcomes of World Bank Group’s (WBG’s) development support to the West Bank and Gaza for the period 2001-09. It covers the programs of the World Bank - International Bank for...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: IEG Evaluation No. do relatório: 100011 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2009 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Atanesyan,Konstantin,Abu Sitta,Nawaf Ibrahim,Farah,Jumana,Garcia-Garcia,Jorge,Gopal,Gita,Kotb, Tarek,Markova,Svetlana,Polenakis, George,Rebolledo Dellepiane,Miguel Angel,Willoughby,Christopher

  • Evaluating a decade of World Bank gender policy : 1990-1999 (Inglês)

    As part of the Bank's poverty reduction mandate, the Bank's 1994 Operational Policy on Gender Dimensions of Development aimed to reduce gender disparity and increase the participation of women in the economic...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 34468 Data do documento: 15 de agosto de 2005 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Gopal,Gita

  • Evaluating gender and development at the World Bank (Inglês)

    This brief is based on proceedings from selected Bank Workshops on the evaluation of the effectiveness of gender dimensions within the Bank's development assistance. Participants concluded there is often...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 23012 Data do documento: 30 de setembro de 2000 Tipo de divulgação: Autor: Gopal,Gita

  • Gender and law Eastern Africa Speaks (Inglês)

    Gender issues, particularly with respect to women's status and rights, have for a considerable period, been in the forefront of donor's dialogue on social issues with Africa. While Africa countries have...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 29831 Data do documento: 1 de novembro de 1999 Tipo de divulgação: Autor: Gopal,Gita,Salim,Maryam

  • Gender-related legal reform and access to economic resources in Eastern Africa (Inglês)

    Given that previous efforts to ensure greater equity in personal laws have not been fully successful in eastern African countries, any new legal initiatives must not repeat the mistakes of the past where...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: WDP405 Data do documento: 31 de agosto de 1999 Tipo de divulgação: Autor: Gopal,Gita

  • Gender and law : eastern Africa speaks (Inglês)

    Gender issues, particularly with respect to women's status and rights, have for a considerable period, been in the forefront of donors' dialogue on social issues with Africa. While Africa countries have...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 22125 Data do documento: 31 de janeiro de 1999 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Gopal,Gita,Adu,Elizabeth Otubea

  • Procurement and disbursement manual for projects with community participation (Inglês)

    Commonly used procedures for procurement and disbursement in World Bank-financed projects are more suited for large investment projects and are not always appropriate for the increasing number of projects...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: WDP312 Data do documento: 30 de novembro de 1995 Tipo de divulgação: Autor: Gopal,Gita

  • Designing for community participation in procurement and disbursement (Inglês)

    In view of the growing number of projects in the social sector, the study previewed by this article examines procurement and disbursement issues in Bank-financed projects with community participation to...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 23104 Data do documento: 31 de março de 1995 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Gopal,Gita,Marc,Alexandre