This rapid review of Disease Modeling, Health Planning, Budgeting, Costing & Resource Allocation Tools, and Health Information System Platforms aims to provide an overview of each of the specific platform...
Mozambique is one of the thirty highest tuberculosis (TB) burden countries in the world with respect to total incidence. Active case finding programs in Mozambique have been expanding, and community-based...
The national HIV response in Belarus includes several priority prevention and treatment programs. Belarus continues to experience a growing epidemic, which, however, is projected to remain concentrated...
The Kyrgyz Republic’s HIV epidemic is transitioning from an early concentrated epidemic among people who inject drugs (PWID) into an advanced concentrated HIV epidemic1 with continued transmission among...
In 2014, city leaders from around the world endorsed the Paris Declaration on fast-track cities, pledging to achieve the 2020 and 2030 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) targets championed by Joint United...
In an effort to improve retention, adherence and viral suppression in HIV care, South Africa’s National Department of Health (NDoH) developed a strategy encapsulated in the National Department of Health's...
With limited funds available, meeting global health targets requires countries to both mobilize and prioritize their health spending. Within this context, countries have recognized the importance of allocating...
This report summarizes the findings of an allocative efficiency analysis of Togo’s HIV response. The Government of Togo indicated a desire to mobilize additional resources, including domestic and private...
International investment in the response to HIV and AIDS has plateaued and its future level is uncertain. With many countries committed to ending the epidemic, it is essential to allocate available resources...
Guidance for national acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) commissions, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) monitoring and evaluation (M and E) officials, and HIV implementing organizations on the...