Personal protective equipment (PPE), has been a critical health-care supply for managing the COVID-19 crisis, but it has also proven to exacerbate the global waste challenge. As the use of disposable PPE...
Pharmaceutical usage is growing in emerging markets, primarily driven by three trends: volume growth of inexpensive generic medicines used to treat chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, chronic obstructive...
International Finance Corporation (IFC) imagines a world in which the four billion people now living at the base of the economic pyramid (BOP) have access to the products, services, and economic opportunities...
International Finance Corporation (IFC) imagines a world in which the four billion people now living at the base of the economic pyramid (BOP) have access to the products, services, and economic opportunities...
The G20 challenge on inclusive business innovation was launched by the Group of 20 and International Finance Corporation (IFC) as the implementing agency on November 3 and 4, 2011, at the G20 Leaders Summit...
This policy note has two goals. First, to assess whether inclusive business models face specific regulatory hurdles. Second, to recommend policies that creates a business environment conducive to inclusive...
The G20 challenge on inclusive business innovation was launched by the Group of 20 and International Finance Corporation (IFC) as the implementing agency on November 3 and 4, 2011, at the G20 Leaders Summit...
Reforming business regulation takes leadership-more than many other reforms. Committed leaders provide vision, energy and direction to improving business climates, often in the face of daunting challenges...
On June 4, 2008, doing business organized the second annual awards for outstanding reformers of business regulation. Some of the global top 10 reformers from doing business 2008, including Bulgaria, Croatia...