Droughts have had costly impacts in Southern Africa, causing fatalities associated with disasters related to weather, climate, and water. Urban drought even when temporary often has severe socioeconomic...
Droughts are far more costly than the policies and infrastructure required to build water resilience, and they have the potential to reduce a city’s economic growth. Urban drought can be considered a subtype...
Droughts are far more costly than the policies and infrastructure required to build water resilience, and they have the potential to reduce a city’s economic growth. Investing in urban drought risk management...
Droughts are far more costly than the policies and infrastructure required to build water resilience, and they have the potential to reduce a city’s economic growth. Investing in urban drought risk management...
This paper is a synthesis of the findings of reports that look at the drivers of performance in energy and water utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper also provides other insights on issues that...
This study explores the potential of prepaid meters for serving urban poor communities. It provides urban utilities, oversight agencies, and other stakeholders in Africa with a basis for decision-making...
This study explores the potential of prepaid meters for serving urban poor communities. It provides urban utilities, oversight agencies, and other stakeholders in Africa with a basis for decision-making...
Globally, the great majority of urban dwellers, especially poor people, rely for their sanitation on non-sewered systems that generate a mix of solid and liquid wastes generally termed fecal sludge. In...
Globally, the great majority of urban dwellers, especially poor people, rely for their sanitation on non-sewered systems that generate a mix of solid and liquid wastes generally termed fecal sludge. In...
Devolution under Kenya's new 2010 constitution has wide-ranging implications for the water sector. The constitution recognizes that access to safe and sufficient water is a basic human right. It also assigns...
Most of the world's population now lives in urban areas, and in developing regions the proportion living in cities and towns has risen from 35 percent in 1990 to 45 percent in 2010, from 1.4 billion to...
This book develops a comparative institutional framework for responsive, responsible, and accountable governance in developing countries. It provides a synthesis of analytical literature on local governance...
This book develops a comparative institutional framework for responsive, responsible, and accountable governance in developing countries. It provides a synthesis of analytical literature on local governance...