A large body of evidence suggests sizeable improvements in cognitive and social-emotional skills and subsequent educational attainment following preprimary education interventions as well as increases...
Do teachers’ stereotypes of social class bias their assessment of students? This study uses a lab-in-the-field experiment among primary school teachers to test whether they are biased against poor students...
Parenting programs are early childhood interventions focused on engaging parents to provide in-home stimulation to infants and toddlers with the hope of improving young children’s cognitive and motor development...
Training vouchers and microfinance tools are often used by multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations, and governments to increase employment and business oppor¬tunities in low- and middle-income...
Gender-based occupational segregation – where women are concentrated in low-paid or low-profit sectors – is a non-trivial source of the gender wage gap worldwide, accounting for as much as 50 percent of...
Business training in low-income countries have scarcely shown impacts on revenues and profits, especially for female entrepreneurs. In this study, we test two kinds of trainings, one basic in-class training...
Business training programs in low-income settings have shown limited, if any, impacts on firm revenues and profits, particularly for female entrepreneurs. This paper uses a randomized design to compare...
Industrialization and structural change entails shifting workers from low skill to high skill occupations, and in emerging economies a number of constraints may impede sectoral switches among workers...
The relative return to strategies that augment inputs versus those that reduce inefficiencies remains a key open question for education policy in low-income countries. Using a new nationally-representative...
The aging challenge in Moldova is pressing. The average age is rising at a much more rapid rate in Moldova than in neighboring countries, and the size of the population is shrinking. The objective of the...
The relative return to input-augmentation versus inefficiency-reduction strategies for improving education system performance is a key open question for education policy in low-income countries. Using...
This paper presents direct evidence on the quality of health care in low-income settings using a unique and original set of audit studies, where standardized patients were presented to a nearly representative...
Efforts by governments, donors, and civil society alike to improve governance, accountability, and development results on the ground have heightened attention to the idea that citizens can contribute to...