The World Bank Research Observer is intended for anyone who has a professional interest in development. Observer articles are written to be accessible to nonspecialist readers; contributors examine key...
Knowledge, learning, and innovation are one of eight objectives that will be monitored in the Bank's new strategy. The independent evaluation group (IEG) is conducting a program of learning and results...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Does community management help keep kids in schools? Evidence using panel data from El Salvador's EDUCO program, conducted...
The challenge of sustaining economic growth over the long term is one that only a few countries have been able to surmount. Slowing momentum in countries like Malaysia and Thailand has led analysts and...
This issue includes the following: mashup indices of development; impact analysis of rural electrification projects in Sub-Saharan Africa; what can we learn about the 'resource curse' from foreign aid?...
This issue includes the following: the new structural economics comments on the new structural economics; gender and firm creation; enterprise performance; and business environments and development.
The Philippines has one of the largest public-private partnership programs in education in the world, serving more than 567,500 students who represent almost 9 percent of the 6.5 million high school students...
This paper presents new evidence on the capacity of agricultural growth to serve as an effective instrument for poverty reduction. The poverty reduction value of land and labor productivity growth and...
This issue includes the following: Aggregate economic shocks, child schooling, and child health by Francisco H. G. Ferreira and Norbert Schady; the regulation of entry: asurvey by Simeon Djankov; how relevant...
Education has played a key role in global economic growth and poverty reduction. These gains are the result of major education investments made in the past by national governments, local governments, individuals...
Symposium on foreign direct investment (FDI); collecting the pieces of the FDI knowledge spillovers puzzle; by Roger Smeets; can survey evidence shed light on spillovers from FDI? By Beata S. Javorcik;...
Cost-benefit analysis in education is an important tool in the economists' arsenal. However, it is essential that research, especially on the social benefits of education, make further progress to make...
There has never been a better time to invest in young people in developing countries. Those who are 12-24 years of age number 1.3 billion and make up the largest youth cohort in history. They are, on average...
There has never been a better time to invest in young people in developing countries. Those who are 12-24 years of age number 1.3 billion and make up the largest youth cohort in history. They are, on average...
There has never been a better time to invest in young people in developing countries. Those who are 12-24 years of age number 1.3 billion and make up the largest youth cohort in history. They are, on average...
There has never been a better time to invest in young people in developing countries. Those who are 12-24 years of age number 1.3 billion and make up the largest youth cohort in history. They are, on average...
There has never been a better time to invest in young people in developing countries. Those who are 12-24 years of age number 1.3 billion and make up the largest youth cohort in history. They are, on average...
There has never been a better time to invest in young people in developing countries. Those who are 12-24 years of age number 1.3 billion and make up the largest youth cohort in history. They are, on average...
There has never been a better time to invest in young people in developing countries. Those who are 12-24 years of age number 1.3 billion and make up the largest youth cohort in history. They are, on average...
This paper investigates how community management of schools can affect educational outcomes, such as retention and repetition rates. In our model, parents make decisions about whether their children should...