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  • Refugee Policy Review Framework : Technical Note (Francês)

    Over the recent years, the World Bank Group (WBG) has scaled up its efforts to support refugees and refugee-hosting communities through International Development Association (IDA)18 sub-window for refugees...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 159251 Data do documento: 25 de maio de 2021 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Hanafi,Leila,Johns,Melissa Marie,Lacroix,Rebecca Emilie Anne,Shaikh,Khadija,Casaly,Paige Marie,Aeschlimann,Alain Willy

  • Refugee Policy Review Framework : Technical Note (Inglês)

    Over the recent years, the World Bank Group (WBG) has scaled up its efforts to support refugees and refugee-hosting communities through International Development Association (IDA)18 sub-window for refugees...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 159251 Data do documento: 25 de maio de 2021 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Hanafi,Leila,Johns,Melissa Marie,Lacroix,Rebecca Emilie Anne,Shaikh,Khadija,Casaly,Paige Marie,Aeschlimann,Alain Willy

  • Actionable regulatory governance indicators for EU regions (Inglês)

    The European Union's Cohesion Policy is its biggest investment instrument. With a budget of 351.8 Euros billion for 2014–2020, the Cohesion Policy accounts for around one-third of the EU budget. The Cohesion...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho No. do relatório: 126400 Data do documento: 1 de maio de 2018 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Ladegaard,Peter Farup,Bernstein,David S.,Fozzard,Adrian,Johns,Melissa Marie,Saltane,Valentina,Bergstein,Elin,Blanc,Florentin,Lemoine,Joseph Antoine,Lundkvist,Petter Jonatan,Novik,Nadia,Georgieva,Dorina Peteva,Konstantinova,Radka Encheva,Soares A O Rodrigues,Margarida,Arzinos,Ioannis

  • Citizen engagement in rulemaking -- evidence on regulatory practices in 185 countries (Inglês)

    This paper presents a new database of indicators measuring the extent to which rulemaking processes are transparent and participatory across 185 countries. The data look at how citizen engagement happens...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de trabalho sobre pesquisa de políticas No. do relatório: WPS7840 Data do documento: 28 de setembro de 2016 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Johns,Melissa Marie,Saltane,Valentina

  • Celebrating reform : doing business (Inglês)

    Reforming business regulation takes leadership-more than many other reforms. Committed leaders provide vision, energy and direction to improving business climates, often in the face of daunting challenges...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho No. do relatório: 58786 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2011 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Djankov,Simeon,Mcliesh,Caralee,Newton, James,Solf,Sylvia,Vicentini Vollmer,Adriana Ignacia,Jersild, Tom,Skopljak,Zoran,Larson,Adam J.,Minoski, Kiril,Morris,Janet,Johns,Melissa Marie,Lobet,Jean Michel,Ramalho,Rita,Dennis,Allen Curtis K.,Hertveldt,Sabine,Yap,Justin