Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals is impossible without addressing fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV), especially as two thirds of the extreme poor are projected to live in such situations...
Ensuring adequate food for people is one of the most fundamental responsibilities of national governments. Historically, governments have invested considerable resources in increasing production of staple...
The world is becoming increasingly urbanized. By 2050, an estimated two-thirds of the global population will live in cities. The food systems report underscores the significant challenges arising from...
The report is organized into seven chapters, as follows, with additional text supported by data in the annexes: this first chapter sets out the context for the report, presents the objectives, outlines...
Over the past century or so, a wide assortment of pre-harvest agreements, joint ventures, deals, and pledges that can be termed contract farming have been brokered between farmers and buyers. During the...
The objective of this report is to assess the usefulness of providing guidance for scaling up good practices in core ARD business lines, and to test the prospects for doing so. The output of the document...