The 2008 crisis marked the beginning of a lost decade for many countries - and many people - in the European Union (EU). The crises of 2008 and 2012 halted, and in some countries undid, a decade of growth...
Qualquer tipo de documento: Report
No. do relatório: 146898
Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2019
Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed
Autor: Badiani-Magnusson,Reena C,Van Den Brink,Rogier J. E.,Skrok,Emilia,Tulwin,Michal,Corral Rodas,Paul Andres,Karver,Jonathan George,Holda,Paulina Ewa,Karpets,Anna,Kotz,Hans-Helmut,Beck,Guenter Wilfried