This report evaluates the outcomes of World Bank Group support to Liberia from its postwar reengagement in 2003 through 2011. Following re-engagement in 2003, the World Bank Group strategy in Liberia initially...
At the March 30-31, 2006, meeting of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)/Development Assistance Committee (DAC) network on development evaluation, representatives of the World...
The 2005 Annual Report on Operations Evaluation (AROE) focuses on the country because it is the main unit of account for monitoring, managing, and evaluating performance. It examines Country Assistance...
At the request of the World Bank's Executive Board, the Bank's Operations Evaluation Department (OED) has been conducting an evaluation of the Bank's involvement in global programs. The Phase 1 Report...
Among the poorest segments of society, working children are unwitting participants in a vicious circle of poverty: Uneducated, poorly trained, and subject to illness, many of these children will continue...
The prototype carbon fund (PCF) is a public-private partnership whose mission is to pioneer a market for project-based greenhouse gas emission reductions within the framework of the Kyoto protocol to the...
The Global Water Partnership (GWP) was formally created in Stockholm in December 1995, at a meeting of 56 organizations, including governments, multilateral banks, united Nations agencies, professional...
Following the discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole in late 1985, governments recognized the need for stronger measures to reduce the production and consumption of a number of ozone depleting substances...
The changing dynamics of the forest sector and the global economy prompted World Bank President James Wolfensohn to launch the CEO forum and the World Bank/World Wide Fund for Nature Alliance. In parallel...