Microfinance institutions, often criticized for inadequately addressing seasonality and hard-core poverty, have begun to introduce innovative programs designed to tackle both concerns. One such program...
Seasonal hunger may result from seasonality of agriculture when households fail to smooth income and consumption. Using household survey data from the northwest region of Bangladesh, this paper examines...
In northwest Bangladesh, some 36 percent of poor households migrate every year during the lean (monga) period to cope with seasonal deprivation. Analysis of household survey data shows that the probability...
Microfinance is often criticized for not adequately addressing seasonality and hard-core poverty. In Bangladesh, a program known as PRIME was introduced in 2006 to address both concerns. Unlike regular...
Alternative institutions, most notably nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), have evolved in many countries in response to the shortcomings of the state and the market in providing various social development...
The success of Grameen Bank as a bank for the poor is its creation of a market niche as well as outreach to women among the poor. Whether its success is sustainable depends on the viability of Grameen...