This document reflects the significant expansion of IFC’s gender work, ranging from innovative research, new product development, broadened private sector advisory solutions, increased gender-lens investments...
This study is vital to understand the existing transportation situation for women in urban Afghanistan and to create solutions toward greater mobility for women. Existing data on gender and transportation...
This study is vital to understand the existing transportation situation for women in urban Afghanistan and to create solutions toward greater mobility for women. Existing data on gender and transportation...
The Pakistan Business Council (PBC) is a pan-industry advocacy group composed of the country’s largest businesses including multinationals that have significant investment in and a long-term commitment...
This note presents aggregate results on the IFC-PBC peer-learning collaboration, focusing on the commitments made by participating companies and highlighting the lessons learned during their journey towards...
The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened existing gender inequalities, exposed fundamental flaws in economic and social systems, and posed a serious threat to the gains made on gender equality. The pandemic...
The report presents lessons from the SheWorks Sri Lanka Partnership, a two-year peer learning platform featuring fifteen leading companies in the country, and shares business results and good practices...
Employers in Vietnam, especially those in high-growth sectors like export-oriented manufacturing and banking, are looking for ways to attract and retain workers as the labor market tightens. This study...
With sustained economic growth over two decades, Cambodia has transitioned from being one of the world’s poorest countries to a lower-middle-income status in 2015. Cambodia has the highest labor force...
This guide provides useful information for business owners in Myanmar on childcare support for employees. Now, more than ever, employers are seeking ways to support the care and family needs of their employees...
This guide provides useful information for business owners in Myanmar on childcare support for employees. Now, more than ever, employers are seeking ways to support the care and family needs of their employees...
Lack of appropriate financial means to obtain adequate housing is a wide economic problem in the developing world. In addition to supply and demand issues, macroeconomic instability, insufficient regulatory...
Women in Sri Lanka have achieved high levels of human development and education. Yet surprising gaps in their progress remain. For instance, the majority of Sri Lankan women still rely on the informal...
Women in Solomon Islands are half as likely as men to be in paid employment and only one out of four private sector jobs are held by women. Companies in Solomon Islands identified gendered roles and gender-based...
While the private sector is increasingly recognizing that advancing gender equality means better talent, higher productivity, more customers, and a stronger bottom line, progress remains slow. Sri Lanka...
Pakistan’s economy is presently growing at just under 6 percent annually. The country’s GDP could grow by 30 percent if women and men participated equally in the workforce. Women’s education levels in...
Pakistan’s economy is presently growing at just under 6 percent annually. The country’s GDP could grow by 30 percent if women and men participated equally in the workforce. Women’s education levels in...
Pakistan’s economy is presently growing at just under 6 percent annually. The country’s GDP could grow by 30 percent if women and men participated equally in the workforce. Women’s education levels in...
The insurance industry plays an important role in the growth and stability of the global economy, providing individual, family, and community level protection against economic, social, and environmental...