Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) are a systematic application of tools, institutions, and procedures that governments can mobilize to ensure that regulatory outcomes are effective, transparent, inclusive...
This report and the instruments it proposes aim at assisting public administrators in ensuring that their service delivery mechanisms respond to the needs and expectations of citizens. This document summarizes...
The European Union's Cohesion Policy is its biggest investment instrument. With a budget of 351.8 Euros billion for 2014–2020, the Cohesion Policy accounts for around one-third of the EU budget. The Cohesion...
Regulatory impact assessment is a tool used by governments to support evidence-based and coordinated policy making. This paper contributes to the debate on regulatory impact assessment in developing countries...
The report is structured into five parts. Part one presents the conceptual framework that forms the backdrop for developing citizen-centric service delivery indicators and summarizes what citizen-centric...
The World Bank Group’s offering on Good Regulatory Practices is to help developing countries respond to these new challenges, the World Bank Group (WBG) offers a Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) solution...
The purpose of this report is to introduce and present key components of the regulatory governance agenda, and to discuss its relevance for developing countries. The paper identifies failings and knowledge...
This note is a progress assessment of the Dutch government's recent regulatory reform initiatives. The assessment is carried out in light of the World Bank Group's 2007 examination of the Netherlands'...
This report is an output of the Better Regulation for Growth Program between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and IC, the Investment Climate...
The report is organized as follows: the executive summary (I) pulls together all major conclusions and recommendations of the report. The following five sections then focus on key requirements of any successful...
This report is a brief review of the Danish government's 2001-2010 administrative burden reduction programs. The report is organized as follows. The executive summary: (i) pull together all major conclusions...
This paper focuses on core aspects of the political economy of reform, drawing on case studies of three economies transitioning to stronger business environments (Hungary, the Republic of Korea, and Mexico)...