Development is often accompanied by environmental challenges pollution, the degradation of natural resources and ecosystems, the depletion of the ozone layer, and climate change, among others. These challenges...
Governments worldwide have increasingly recognized the economic potential and fiscal advantages of privatization. What is less well recognized is that, under the right conditions, privatization can also...
Transport-related air pollution is increasingly contributing to environmental health risks in many developing country cities. The social costs of poor urban quality can be significant, making this issue...
The report summarizes the air quality monitoring component, as part of the regional study on Cleaner Transportation Fuels for Urban Air Quality Improvement in Central Asia and the Caucasus, and intends...
The transition to a market economy is expected to lead to environmental as well as economic improvement. In practice, realization of the expected gains may come slowly, especially for countries where economic...
Lead is an extremely toxic substance. The phaseouts of lead-based, octane-enhancing gasoline additives is widely recognized as a technically feasible measure to reduce ambient environmental lead concentrations...
The lessons from the country members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) summarized in this report should help developing and transitional country governments find effective...
The lessons from the country members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) summarized in this report should help developing and transitional country governments find effective...
This fall issue of the annual review on the environment looks back on the World Bank's environmental work in the fiscal year 1997, and highlights the upcoming challenges and opportunities. The lead article...
Lead is one of the most potent neurotoxins in the environment, posing an immediate and widespread risk. Decisionmakers in an increasing number of countries have recognized that eliminating the use of lead...
Lead impairs the mental and physical development of children even at low levels of exposure. The social benefits of removing lead from gasoline -- the major source of exposure in many urban areas -- vastly...