Social protection (SP) programs are fundamental in responding to the impact of shocks, whether covariate or idiosyncratic, by helping to mitigate their impacts as well as build resilience to future shocks...
The South Asia Human Capital Plan acknowledges the great strides the region has made in investing in human capital but highlights the deficits that remain. Given current quality, coverage, and effectiveness...
This multisectoral Jobs Diagnostic provides a comprehensive overview of Pakistan's job market, with the aim of informing key policy areas. It investigates a host of factors associated with labor outcomes...
This multisectoral Jobs Diagnostic provides a comprehensive overview of Pakistan's job market, with the aim of informing key policy areas. It investigates a host of factors associated with labor outcomes...
In the last few years, proposals to introduce a universal basic income or universal basic income (UBI) have proliferated. Proponents point out that narrowly targeted programs exclude many of the poor...
This note provides an assessment of the existing social protection framework in Somalia that could support the formulation of a national level social protection framework. In Somalia’s context, social...
This paper uses the FINDEX and administrative data toestimate the gender, ageand income compositionof workers covered bya mandated pensionscheme in a large numberof developing countries. It find that the...