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  • Annual World Bank Conference on development economics - 2000 (Inglês)

    These are the proceedings of the Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, which gathers the global perspective of scholars, and practitioners of development policy from academic life, government...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 23244 Data do documento: 31 de julho de 2001 Tipo de divulgação: Autor: Pleskovic,Boris,Stern, Nicholas [editors],Karlsson,Mats,Stiglitz,Joseph Eugene,SACHS, JEFFREY D.,Kornai,Janos,Collier,Paul,Rodrik,Dani,Birdsall,Nancy M.,Bourguignon,Francois Jean,Kimura,Fukunari,Gunning, Jan Willem,Hoff,Karla,Easterly,William R.,Islam,Roumeen,Caballero, Ricardo J.,Hammour, Mohamad L.,Banerjee, Abhijit V.,Sakakibar, Eisuke,Lederman,Daniel,Menendez Jaramillo,Ana Maria,Perry,Guillermo,Dyck, I.J.Alexander,Roland,Gerard,Orszag, J. Michael,Orszag, Peter R.,Attanasio, Orazio P.,Szekely, Miguel,Holzman, Robert

  • Mexico: five years after the crisis (Inglês)

    This study identifies the main factors that explain the recovery of the Mexican economy after the currency crisis of 1995. A growth decomposition exercise shows that export growth mitigated somewhat the...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho No. do relatório: 28951 Data do documento: 11 de abril de 2000 Tipo de divulgação: Autor: Lederman,Daniel,Menendez Jaramillo,Ana Maria,Perry,Guillermo,Stiglitz,Joseph Eugene