The development objectives of Romania Secondary Education Project are to improve the transition from upper secondary into tertiary education and increase the retention in the first year of tertiary education...
Early school leaving (ESL) refers to people aged 18 to 24 who leave education and training without attaining lower secondary education. Early school leavers have difficulty finding stable jobs and are...
This document presents a proposal to revise and improve the methodology for Quality Assurance (QA) in Higher Education (HE) in Romania. It has been prepared as part of the support services provided by...
Despite a rapid increase in the numbers of and enthusiasm for Joint Programs, their quality assurance remains, in far too many cases, (overly) complex. Even with the ubiquitous application of the European...
Early school leaving (ESL) refers to people aged 18 to 24 who leave education and training without attaining lower secondary education. Early school leavers have difficulty finding stable jobs and are...
This document represents the first output under the reimbursable advisory services (RAS) agreement on assistance to the ministry of national education and scientific research (MNESR) for monitoring and...
This report explores the initial vocational and training subsector supply system in Romania and its labor market demands. It documents the most recent initial vocational education and training (VET) policy...
Key education strategies are in place, but their implementation has been slow. Since 2015–2016, the Romanian government has been making progress in adopting a set of education strategies to reduce early...
This document represents the first output under the reimbursable advisory services (RAS) agreement on assistance to the ministry of national education and scientific research (MNESR) for monitoring and...