The present Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) will help inform the Government of Ukraine’s reform efforts, especially those leveraging the power of the private sector to boost economic growth and...
Civil war erupted in Somalia following the fall of the autocratic regime of Siad Barre in 1991. Peace was established to varying degrees in the different regions of Somalia. The civil war first abated...
The issue of 'an appropriate' legal framework, especially in the case of the takeover market, has been poorly studied in the case of emerging markets, yet it is of immediate relevance and practical policymaker...
Expanding housing finance to the underserved in South Asia, a first regional effort on the topic, examines housing needs and shortages in South Asia, and outlines shortcomings of the market for home mortgages...
Access to financing is now widely acknowledged as a path to meaningful economic inclusion and reduction in poverty. Policy efforts to increase access to finance in Pakistan have taken time to bear fruit...
Access to financing is now widely acknowledged as a path to meaningful economic inclusion and reduction in poverty. Policy efforts to increase access to finance in Pakistan have taken time to bear fruit...
Bangladesh has recorded impressive economic and social gains since the 1990s. Recent growth has been at levels close to six percent. The country has doubled per capita growth and taken large strides toward...
Argentina has a relatively well developed stock market, with impressive market value gains in the past year driven by the fast growing economy, yet in some ways a shadow of its former self before the end...
The issue of "an appropriate" legal framework, especially in the case of the takeover market, has been poorly studied in the case of emerging markets, yet it is of immediate relevance and practical policymaker...
Self-dealing, prevalent in emerging markets, often harms minority shareholders. The related-party transaction is one common technique, especially in markets with weak law enforcement. Beyond self-dealing...
Somalia has lacked a recognized government since 1991. In extremely difficult conditions the private sector has demonstrated its much vaunted capability to make do. To cope with the absence of the rule...
Somalia has lacked a recognized government since 1991. In extremely difficult conditions the private sector has demonstrated its much vaunted capability to make do. To cope with the absence of the rule...
The authors examine patterns of media ownership in 97 countries around the world. They find that almost universally the largest media firms are controlled by the government or by private families. Government...