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  • The Employment Benefits of a Clean Energy Transition in Morocco (Inglês)

    This report presents: clean energy transition and jobs creation; project overview: the activities on clean energy and jobs; contextualizing Morocco; the model on Morocco: clean energy employment assessment...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 169780 Data do documento: 14 de novembro de 2021 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Sarkar,Ashok,Nguyen,Tu Chi

  • Lebanon - Power Sector Emergency Action Plan 2020 (Inglês)

    Lebanon has significant potential for economic growth but has historically had to contend with a myriad of economic, social, and geopolitical challenges on the path to fully achieving this potential. The...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 178555 Data do documento: 1 de maio de 2020 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Mobarek,Sameh I.,Vucetic,Vladislav,Nguyen,Tu Chi,Ghorayeb,Rita Antoine,El Khalil,Soraya

  • Rethinking Power Sector Reform : Positive Lessons for the Middle East and North Africa (Inglês)

    The need for greater efficiency and accountability in the power sector in the Middle East and North Africa has renewed pressure for reforms. A major new World Bank report, Rethinking Power Sector Reform...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 148151 Data do documento: 31 de janeiro de 2020 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Nguyen,Tu Chi,Rana,Anshul,Fernstrom,Erik Magnus,Foster,Vivien

  • Cost Recovery and Financial Viability of the Power Sector in Developing Countries : Insights from 15 Case Studies (Inglês)

    This paper analyzes power utilities in 15 jurisdictions to understand the determinants of success for reforms aimed at improving financial viability and cost recovery in the power sector and the impacts...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de trabalho sobre pesquisa de políticas No. do relatório: WPS9136 Data do documento: 30 de janeiro de 2020 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Huenteler,Joern Thorsten,Hankinson,Denzel J.,Rosenthal,Nicole,Balabanyan,Ani,Kochnakyan,Arthur,Nguyen,Tu Chi,Rana,Anshul,Foster,Vivien

  • Poverty reduction and shared prosperity in Moldova : progress and prospects (Inglês)

    Moldova has experienced rapid economic growth in the past decade, which has been accompanied by reductions in poverty and good performance in shared prosperity. Nonetheless, Moldova remains one of the...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Avaliação da pobreza No. do relatório: 105722 Data do documento: 1 de maio de 2016 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Dávalos, María E.,Nguyen,Tu Chi,Matytsin,Mikhail

  • The impact of China on Europe and Central Asia : Влияние Китая на Европу и Центральную Азию (Russo)

    The economies of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) are facing complex challenges. In the eastern part of the region the task of governments is to orchestrate a coordinated crisis response. The collapse of...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 104605 Data do documento: 1 de abril de 2016 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Timmer,Hans,Bussolo,Maurizio,Gould,David Michael,Letelier,Raquel Alejandra,Nguyen,Tu Chi,Panterov,Georgi Lyudmilov,Shaw,William,Ushakova,Ekaterina,Burns,Andrew,Izvorski,Ivailo V.,Pigato,Miria A.,Sanchez,Carolina

  • The impact of China on Europe and Central Asia (Inglês)

    The economies of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) are facing complex challenges. In the eastern part of the region the task of governments is to orchestrate a coordinated crisis response. The collapse of...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 104605 Data do documento: 1 de abril de 2016 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Timmer,Hans,Bussolo,Maurizio,Gould,David Michael,Letelier,Raquel Alejandra,Nguyen,Tu Chi,Panterov,Georgi Lyudmilov,Shaw,William,Ushakova,Ekaterina,Burns,Andrew,Izvorski,Ivailo V.,Pigato,Miria A.,Sanchez,Carolina

  • Low commodity prices and weak currencies : Низкие цены на сырьё и слабые валюты (Russo)

    Against the backdrop of a weakening global economy and volatility in international financial markets, countries of the Europe and Central Asia region (ECA) are transitioning to a new normal. Oil-exporting...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 100609 Data do documento: 1 de outubro de 2015 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Timmer,Hans,Bussolo,Maurizio,Gogova,Dobrina,Gould,David Michael,Luongo,Patrizia,Nguyen,Tu Chi,Panterov,Georgi Lyudmilov,Ushakova,Ekaterina,Burns,Andrew,Izvorski,Ivailo V.,Pigato,Miria A.,Sanchez,Carolina

  • Low commodity prices and weak currencies (Inglês)

    Against the backdrop of a weakening global economy and volatility in international financial markets, countries of the Europe and Central Asia region (ECA) are transitioning to a new normal. Oil-exporting...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Publicação No. do relatório: 100609 Data do documento: 1 de outubro de 2015 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Timmer,Hans,Bussolo,Maurizio,Gogova,Dobrina,Gould,David Michael,Luongo,Patrizia,Nguyen,Tu Chi,Panterov,Georgi Lyudmilov,Ushakova,Ekaterina,Burns,Andrew,Izvorski,Ivailo V.,Pigato,Miria A.,Sanchez,Carolina