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  • Motivational Interviewing to Increase HIV Testing Among Men Who have Sex with Men in Malaysia (Inglês)

    In 2014, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) was awarded to Malaysia. With funding support from GFATM, KLASS, a civil society organization, has been implementing an innovative...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho No. do relatório: 130457 Data do documento: 1 de outubro de 2018 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Lim,Sin How,Naning,Herlianna,Akbar,Mohd Umair,Saifi,Rumana,Jackson,Alison,Othman,Sajaratulnisah,Pang,Joselyn,Osornprasop,Sutayut,Kamarulzaman,Adeeba

  • Motivational Interviewing in HIV Counseling and Testing : A Basic Training Manual for Community -Based Organizations (Inglês)

    The main objective of the manual is to provide a simplified and practical guide to communitypartners who are interested to introduce the Brief Intervention using Motivational Interviewing (MI) approach...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho No. do relatório: 135874 Data do documento: 1 de junho de 2018 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Lim, Sin How,Naning, Herlianna,Akbar, Mohd,Saifi, Rumana,Jackson, Alison,Othman, Sajaratulnisah,Pang,Joselyn,Osornprasop,Sutayut,Kamarulzaman, Adeeba