Cambodia is now weathering an oil price shock, just as the economy had started to recover amid a rollback of Coronavirus (COVID-19)-related restrictions. Negative impacts of the oil price shock are amplified...
Merchandise trade appears to have bottomed out in April, falling nearly 20 percent year on year (YoY), after a 10 percent decline in March. For the handful of countries with available May data, trade remains...
Air connectivity is at the center of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis. Global air cargo capacity has dropped substantially since most commercial passenger flights have been cancelled or grounded worldwide...
The disruption to logistics and freight networks endangers trade and distribution of essential goods to combat the crisis and foster the recovery. Governments should work in coordination with logistics...
The First Phase of the Central Asia Road Links Program is the result of a collaborative effort initiated by respective governments in the Central Asia region which has been developed as a regional, multi-phase...
The development objective of Second Phase of the Central Asia Road Links Program Project is to increase transport connectivity between neighboring countries in Central Asia along priority cross-border...