To reduce extreme poverty and break its intergenerational transmission, the Government of Tanzania created the Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN). The PSSN is based on integrated interventions targeted...
This paper discusses a randomized control trial to measure the short-term impacts of a skills intervention among urban youth in Sierra Leone at the onset of the Ebola crisis. The intervention provided...
The Ebola pandemic has been one of the most virulent pandemics in modern times. By the end of 2015, the epidemic had cost the lives of more than 11,300 people in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, including...
This paper examines the short-term impacts of a labor-intensive public works program on household welfare and economic prospects. Using a community-level randomized control trial approach, the paper finds...
In Sierra Leone, where more than half of the population is poor and dependent on earnings from labor income, jobs are critical for poverty reduction and inclusive growth. The country’s demographic profile...
As of April 8, 2015, Sierra Leone had reported more than 12,000 cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), and over 3,800 deaths. Recent World Health Organization (WHO) reports show that Sierra Leone has seen...
As of January 4, 2015, Sierra Leone had reported nearly 10,000 cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), and nearly 3,000 deaths. While recent World Health Organization (WHO) reports show that the outbreak is...
Women make essential contributions to agriculture in developing countries, where they constitute approximately 43 percent of the agricultural labor force. However, female farmers typically have lower output...