In the context of weakening global demand, growth in the Western Balkans decelerated over the course of 2022 and into 2023. Against the background of the lasting effects of shocks from Russia’s invasion...
The Turkish Cypriot economy (TCe) has struggled to recover since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. With a contraction of 16.2 percent in GDP in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic first took...
Albania is gradually emerging from the unprecedented economic disruptions caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. As the pandemic is overcome, it is crucial to shift attention back...
The special topic of this edition of the Macroeconomic Monitoring report focuses on the TC administration’s ‘public’ financial support to the agriculture sector. Due to the Turkish lira depreciation, the...
E-commerce, defined broadly as the sale of goods and services facilitated through the internet, is a key growth opportunity for Albania. Sellers can benefit from internet marketing, 24-hour online shopping...
In the fight against COVID-19 (coronavirus), economic activities that require close physical contact have been severely restricted. In this context, e-commerce – defined broadly as the sale of goods or...
State of emergency ends at end-May and a slow recovery thereafter (high downside risks do not change the policy response, but the severity of recession). Immediate impact: immediate sharp contraction...
State of emergency ends at end-May and a slow recovery thereafter (high downside risks do not change the policy response, but the severity of recession). Immediate impact: immediate sharp contraction...
The effect of structural reforms on growth in Europe and Central Asia is assessed by looking separately at each supply-side channel: capital, labor, and productivity, with the last estimated using the...
As a small transition economy, Albania has achieved significant progress, and the average year-to-year growth rate of trade from 2000 to 2017 has outperformed the world average reaching almost eleven percent...