Despite the significant progress Ukraine made on its structural reform agenda, social assistance reform remains a key priority in the face of high levels of poverty (estimated at 27 percent according to...
This Second Programmatic Public Finance Review (PFR-2) supports Ukraine in implementing its ongoing ambitious structural reform agenda to identify fiscal savings and to increase the effectiveness of public...
This note aims to provide guidance on how to assess the distributional implications of energy subsidy reform (ESR) using quantitative methods.It is intended for use by those familiar with the basics of...
The World Bank Group (WBG) is strengthening its partnerships with upper-middle-income countries and high-income countries to leverage private and public finance, and to create knowledge and new solutions...
Developing East Asia has led the way in showing how rapid and broadly shared growth can lift millions out of poverty. And, as this report shows, the region has achieved even more: the wave of prosperity...
Addressing regional disparities is key to unlocking Russia’s potential to achieve stronger gains in growth and equity outcomes as well as to improve its institutional environment. While spatial disparities...
In 2011 the statistical authorities of Bosnia-Herzegovina collected for the first time a national survey which allows monitoring the European indicators of poverty and social exclusion as well as national...
Many Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries are faced with a difficult balancing act of cutting subsidies to the energy sector while protecting affordability for consumers. This study assesses at the...
Many Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries are faced with a difficult balancing act of cutting subsidies to the energy sector while protecting affordability for consumers. This study assesses at the...
The cost of energy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, as elsewhere, is an important policy issue, as shown by the concerns for energy affordability during the past harsh winter. Governments try to moderate...
Armenia's energy sector has achieved a level of electricity reliability, service quality and efficiency of sector operations that stands out among countries participating in Commonwealth of Independent...
In 2011 the statistical authorities of Bosnia-Herzegovina collected for the first time a national survey which allows monitoring the European indicators of poverty and social exclusion as well as national...
The Addis Ababa Integrated Housing Development Program aims to tackle the housing shortage and unemployment that prevail in Addis Ababa by deploying and supporting small and medium scale enterprises to...
With three quarters of its population living in cities, Latin America is now essentially an urban region. Higher urbanization is usually associated with a number of positives, such as higher income, greater...