This report provides an overview of the progress made in 2016 in implementing the Africa Climate Business Plan (ACBP), a blueprint for climate action in Africa that the World Bank launched during the 21st...
This report provides an overview of the progress made in 2016 in implementing the Africa Climate Business Plan (ACBP), a blueprint for climate action in Africa that the World Bank launched during the 21st...
Mid-2012 saw record rainfall and widespread flooding within the Federal Republic of Nigeria, with unprecedented losses in human life and productivity. By the time the waters fully receded, more than 360...
This book grew out of the Global Issues seminars and is itself a testament to that two-way dialogue: the suggestion to compile the speakers' lecture notes into a book came from the students themselves...
Bringing modern energy services to the poor is an enormous challenge. Today 1.6 billion people lack access to electricity, and 2.4 billion rely on traditional biomass fuels for cooking and heating. By...
This Implementation Progress Report (IPR) has been prepared to take stock of Program implementation. The monitoring system for implementation is still evolving and this report represents the first effort...
A scorecard for energy reform in developing countries. Private participation in the transmission and distribution of natural gas - recent trends. Regulation in new natural gas markets - the Northern Ireland...
In 1995, as the interim agreements between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel were signed, water and sanitation services in the Gaza Strip were in crisis. In mid-1996 Lyonnaise des Eaux/Khatib...
An Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is a mechanism to facilitate employee ownership in a company. While broadening employee ownership, ESOPs can be a sueful policy instrument for promoting privatization...
Private sector development (PSD) is at the center of Egypt's current economic reform program. The Government of Egypt, in partnership with the Egyptian private sector, launched a multi-stage effort that...
Private sector development (PSD) is at the center of Egypt's current economic reform program. The Government of Egypt, in partnership with the Egyptian private sector, launched a multi-stage effort that...
This paper compares the privatization experiences of the 15 Republics of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) as of March 1993. Currently, these Republics are at varying stages of completing their legal frameworks...